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Tuesday 7 January 2014

                                       Inspirational poem

Who Shall We Help Today 
Poet: John McLeod, © 1982

Who shall we help today, my friends,
Who shall we help today?
A poor-man passing in the road
A word to ease his way?
A kindly thought, a friendly deed
A smile so freelygiven?
These are the treasures all may give
These are the keys to heaven!

Who shall we help today, myfriends,
Who shall we help today?
A sad soul in distress perhaps?
Kneel with that soul and pray; 
Show him thelove our Father showed
In the way His son was given:
These are the gifts all have to give, 
These are the keys to heaven!

Who shall we help today, my friends,
Who shall we help today?
The lame, the sick, all those inneed?
So much that one can say
And do to help another's pain
In love's compassion given,
Yours is the gift ofgiving, friend,
Yours are the keys to heaven!

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