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Tuesday 7 January 2014

The Thanksgiving Prayer

The Thanksgiving Prayer 

Author: , ©.2012 

As we sit together around this table,
We want to say thank you for allowing us
To be together in a world where so many families
Do not have this opportunity to do so.

Give us pause as we celebrate, to count our blessings
Fo without your blessing, this day would not be counted.
For we have so many thanks to say to you
As we prepare to enjoy the food you have
So bountifully allowed us to share,
And to extend our blessings with one another yet another day.

Lord, it is not that we do not appreciate
Your blessings as each day unfolds
It is only that we do not thank you 
As often as each day brings with it your blessings.

Please forgive us for not counting you
As our true friend, our true light
As often as we should, Oh Lord,
For without you, we are lost.

We thank you for showing us our failures
So that we may see more opportunities, 
To experience the joy of overcoming obstacles in life
As you daily guide us through each challenge.

And, Oh Lord, thank you for saving us
For without you, we would suffer forever.
It is only through your graces, Oh Lord,
That we sit here today united within our home.

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