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Thursday 2 January 2014


  1. A farmer does not conclude by the mere look of it that a corn is unripe; he tears it open for examination.
  1. It is little by little that a bird builds its nest.
  1. To do one's duty is to eat the prized fruit of honor.
  1. A farmer who would not work inside the rain and would not work under the sun, would have nothing to harvest at the end of the farming year.
  1. The heap of yams you will reap depends upon the number of mounds you have plowed.
  1. It is the work of one's hands that decides what one eats for dinner - for some it is pounded yam, for others it is pounded plantain or nothing.
  1. An ant-hill that is destined to become a giant ant-hill will definitely become one, no matter how many times it is destroyed by elephants.
  1. He who is afraid of doing too much always does too little.
  1. Sleep and indolence are not cousins of a good harvest.
  1. Success is 10% ability, and 90% sweat.
  1. We live by hope, but a reed never becomes an Iroko tree by dreaming.
  1. Sinews and big muscles do not make a farmer.
  1. When a dying man cries, it is not because of where he is going which he knows nothing about, but because of what he wishes he would have done in the world he is leaving behind

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